state of value

英 [steɪt ɒv ˈvæljuː] 美 [steɪt əv ˈvæljuː]




  1. Around this fort a town gradually developed, which became the center of a small but important state of great strategic value.
  2. This kind of realization of man's own state of social and economic value demonstrates Confucian appreciation for self-cultivation and individual value and humanism for social stability and harmony.
  3. A stationary state shows a spread of possible value for X.
  4. China continuously attaches importance to material object management of state assets instead of its value management.
  5. The asymptotic state of mean value for the second mean value integral theorem is studied in this paper and the results are applied to approximate integration.
  6. This was clearly a tipping point for generation, but it does not represent the end state or final estimation of value to be realized.
  7. The paper discusses the practice state of science education human value, the author thought the tool value had been full of the whole science education and the science education human value had been undermined.
  8. Persistent Vegetative State under the View of Life Value
  9. The task of literature theory and criticism lie in conscious cognition of the evolution rule, realistic state of literature value, and in the discovery and explanation of its imbalanced reality so as to rectify and reverse it theoretically.
  10. Internal: current state of company, value chain, and core capability.
  11. The basic principles and methods of conventional residual error Gray Model are presented and the model is improved using the Markov state shift matrix to judge the state of residual error predicted value when the value of k is larger than n.
  12. A reflection analysis for teachers, teacher development potential for future development for teachers, the classroom teachers to state and the process of value judgement.
  13. From the viewpoint of Chinese and Western art comparison, this article discusses perceptive state of occurrence, aesthetic value and essential attitude towards culture of Chinese and Western art, takes apart categories of Chinese and Western paintings and literal structure in depth.
  14. The spiritual state of Henan Province refers to the dynamic state of value system consisting of many spiritual factors, the historical and realistic state of culture subject including the process of history, the development capality of the reality and the influence on other cultures.
  15. This paper points out that the theory of hierarchies of rules of law consists of methods of government, form of institution, state of order and idea of value, which can be considered falling under two categories: institutional rules of law and conceptual rules of law.
  16. The Present State of Value Ideas of the University Students
  17. Paper money issued by the state is the symbol of value forced to circulate.
  18. State and Countermeasures of Value Adding on Human Capital in China
  19. Accounting information is a economic message that is obtained from accounting practice, which reflecs the sport state of value of accounting subject. The quality directly influence accounting subject image.
  20. Finally, it validated established model with each point displacement velocity chart, analyzed and summarized the established of state equation and selection of initial value at the same time.
  21. The necessity of new construction of professional ethic of political teachers of Junior high school lies in its non optimistic state, and challenges of multi value and crisis of political conviction that political classes face.
  22. Trends Dynamic State Study of Dynamic Value Chain
  23. State and compare the concepts of value and analyze the factors affect enterprise value. Discuss that the object of financial management should be maximizing the enterprise value.
  24. And this article talk about the chaotic controller and parameter identification rules on the state of each switch value respectively.
  25. Therefore, the significant state of clinical boundary value in efficacy evaluation of newly-developed drug of Chinese Material Medica is established. 3.
  26. Individual differed from human because a human or a civilian referred to the state as the criterion of value, and an individual took itself as the source of significance.
  27. This paper argues that the companies experience the damaged state of the value mainly because the unsound and imperfect financial governance.
  28. Verify the simulation accuracy during braking action, while, through the force measuring device simulation, obtained the static state of the braking force value in computer simulation.
  29. The change of the metal surface state with the change of pH value not only has influence on the corrosion behavior of the metal, but also can effect significantly on the adsorption behavior, inhibition efficiency and the inhibition mechanism of the inhibitors.